29 October 2010

Book Binding with Martin

Heres Martins site, he's a kool guy, I wasnt too sure about his book binding sessions at first but I can see them  becoming really useful as we progress through the course.
Japanese Binding
It didnt turn out perfect but it did make a nice binding, and felt very solid. Next time I shall take much more care.
Done using a A4 templates that slot into one another.
With this book, I also created the text you see that covers the front and inside of the book, simply done with an rubber cut into to make a print.
Since making these books, I keep eyeing up other books to see which way they were made.
A simple one binding with stich, more of these batches of pages could be added.
As I said before I enjoyed producing these books and Im going to make it a habit to make these for future sketchbooks and other things, hopefully make some just as good and cheaper than Moleskine's.

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